See my boy above? That's what he was doing while I was taking my daily nap today. He voluntarily decided to mow the "property". That's what we affectionately call the 5 acre monster next to our yard that we are trying to clear. I think the Bible verse goes, "They will arise and call her blessed." But in our family, it's a little backwards today.
You see, I'm pregnant. And I'm sick. And tired. And just a week bit cranky. Especially when I don't get a nap. I'm sorry to harp on it. It just seems all consuming these days (please forgive me friends!). Anyway, I nap daily and the whole family is much better for it.
So today, I'm napping when this herd of elephants comes trampling down the stairs. I manage to open one eye, groan, and say, "Ethan!" He comes over very politely, contritely. "Ethan, remember you are supposed to tiptoe when you come downstairs. You don't want to wake up Mama."
"Sorry, ma'am. May I play computer?" "Sure."
I manage to close my eyes and quickly slip back into semi-consciousness.
"Mom" (whispered) Surely he doesn't need me. I'm sound asleep. He knows that. No reply.
"Mom!" (with more urgency ~ still whispered) There's no way this child doesn't understand I'm asleep.
"Mom." (This time spoken, coming closer). I'm absolutely sure, just like an opossum, that if I'm not moving, he can't be sure I'm awake. I'm not giving in.
"MOM." This time the child's head is over the couch IN MY EAR. I kid you not. So I rouse myself enough to not growl. And I say, "Yes, Ethan."
"I'll try to be quiet."
That's the reason we love Ethan. Just don't ask me to explain when I'm napping.
Ohhhhh. I know what you mean about the "I'm asleep and why are you bothering me." If I just keep my eyes closed and not move, MAYBE they will go away! I see they don't go away at your house either! I am so THRILLED that you have a blog. I love you and your family SOOOO much! I look forward to checking in on you daily now! Oh and CONGRATS! I'm rooting (is that spelled right??) for a girl!