When he's nursing,
I stroke his cheek,
And rub his little arm
...and fall in love all over again.
Basically, the Bracker family is on hold. I've told the kids we're not doing much because simply Mama can't do much. I sit 80% of the time. But still I thought I would fill you in on what the kids are doing.
Thomas didn't get the memo that said, "Don't schedule anything in February." So he is preparing for a puppet performance with his youth group. And his Civil Air Patrol squad is gearing up for a major color guard competition on the 13th. I'm not sure how he expects to get there (maybe roll me there), but he's made his plans. He's also going bowling with his Sunday school class on the 20th, but he's got a ride for that. And every Saturday night he goes to an awesome Bible study at a friend's house for teenagers. They eat and do their Bible study and play games. But he's got a ride for that too. Good thing! lol
Daniel got the memo. And unfortunately, Daniel's basketball season was canceled. He was so disappointed, but he's making the best of it. So now, he's just busy with his school work and his trampoline (did I mention he spends at least an hour a day on the trampoline? He has for *years*).
Bethany is super busy with her crafts. She is constantly making things (which terrifies me, because I'm anti-mess and anti-creativity). And she has started a new praise & worship interpretive dance class in town which she LOVES. She is super-dramatic.
Ethan has come into his own. He's practically a genius, reading and remembering everything he reads. Mostly he reads encyclopedias, almanacs, anthologies, etc. And he can play the piano by ear. No joke. All of the children take piano. Some struggle more than others. But Ethan can play any song, using chords, both hands, you name it. He plays for our family devotions now, because he can keep up with no problems. Did I mention he's 7? He blows me away!
Grace is just beautiful and thankfully is just happy playing with her Littlest Pet Shop and her dolls. She does her school diligently, reads a lot, and is just happy all of the time. Thank the Lord for Grace!
And Asher is our rough & tumble, Still!!!! He gets injured every day, but then he just gets up and goes. If you say it's time to go downstairs. He growls and says, Upstairs. If you say tea? He says water. He will not agree with you, until his hand has been slapped at least three times. But get this....he's happy! He's happy the whole time! Such a blessing to our family! He's fun-loving and almost always in a good mood. He'll disagree with you cheerfully!
So that's a quick update on our family. I won't be posting again I don't imagine until Baby comes, which should be soon. And then I'll post a few pix of Baby.
Last night when the children were all dancing in the living room to some Christian rock music, Robert asked me how another voice would fit in the group. We laugh because there's so much noise already. But the baby will just fit in. We know that. There's so much love in our house, it's overflowing already.